Migration offer from SmartSuite

For all customers and users impacted by the Spreadsheet.com shutdown, SmartSuite has offered two months of free service to anyone that moves there. You can move to SmartSuite by exporting your data and then importing it back into SmartSuite. As you import your data, SmartSuite will automatically create a table structure for you.

The SmartSuite onboarding team is available to help you get started at no cost if you are on a paid Spreadsheet.com plan.

Matt, Thank you for sharing this information. If anyone has questions or wants to book a quick demo/consultation, please visit smartsuite.com.

I just signed up and can’t access the promotion link. How can they verify that we are from Spreadsheet.com so we can get the offer?

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Hi @Andy_Bropleh_Jallah - we see you : )

Feel free to message us directly once your in SmartSuite via the Intercom chat modal in the bottom right of your screen. Happy to discuss your needs and talk through a game plan from there.

how do i download all the files with attachments.

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Hello, I was so nervous about this closing event, thank you for providing a solution.

Let’s see how can I contact Smartsuites team that can help with the migration.