Product Updates - September 26, 2021

What’s new?

1. Open sign up, sign up with Google, and start from template

No more waitlist! We’re elated to share that we’ve opened up to public sign up. This includes signing up directly from the home page and signing up by starting from a template in the Template Gallery. New users can choose to register manually or sign up using Google credentials.


All newly created workspaces will continue to be on the Premium plan until we release our billing plans in the next couple months. Once released, existing workspaces will be moved to a 30 day trial of the Premium plan, and be automatically moved to the Free plan if you choose not to subscribe before the trial ends.

More details coming soon. Meanwhile, you can find more information about our paid plans in our Pricing page.

2. Related row typeahead autosuggest

We’ve launched a long-planned improvement to related row cells allow you to start typing a related row value and see suggested matches appear as you type. You can now also select a value simply by using the drown-down arrow in the cell rather than by opening the row selection dialog. This all makes selecting one or more related rows much faster and easier using the keyboard.


In addition, you can create new related rows by entering a value that doesn’t exist in the related worksheet and choosing the “+ Add …” option. Last but not least, now that keyboard input is allowed in Related row cells, you can easily override the data type setting at the cell level to write a formula or enter text, as you can with most other data types.

3. Related row cascading selection
We’ve also made it faster and easier to navigate and select a related worksheet in the Related row data type dialog. Now instead of using a tree, a dynamic cascading series of popups activates on hover.


Fixes and enhancements

  • Ctrl + Shift + Enter (Windows) and ⌘ + Shift + Return (Mac) now wraps an existing formula in an ARRAYFORMULA as expected.

  • Using browser autofill to populate forms is now fully supported in forms.

  • 003797: Spaces in required form fields are no longer considered value values for submission.

  • 003879: Improved Date & time cell value parsing of the YYYY year format, which fixed an issue using the calendar popup in Date & time cells reported here.

  • 003879: Now moving a column adjacent to one or more frozen columns works as expected.