In-Cell Drop-Down List

I have a list of values in one sheet, and want to user to only select one from those value in another sheet.
In Excel, I can do it with data validation, and the user can select the desired value from a drop-down list. But in, if I use data type = “Select”, I have to enter the value manually (and when the source sheet is updated, I have to update the list manually). The other option is using data type= “Related Row”, but every time user enter new row, they need to open a popup window to select the row, not in-cell drop-down. Is it the way Spreadsheet now doing, or am I missing something?
Thank you.
Anh Han

Welcome to the community @PM_Hung_Dao - We are working on this feature currently. The ability to create select lists out of Ranges and Named Ranges will be available in a few weeks. And yes, this is available as ‘Data Validation’ in traditional spreadsheets.

We will also begin to recognise the existing Data Validation dropdowns when importing Excel files.

We are also working on the ability to render ‘Related Row’ as a dropdown list.

Will be updating this space as the features are made available.


@PM_Hung_Dao - The ability to create select lists out of Ranges and Named Ranges is now available ; See here for the product update post