πŸ›£ Spreadsheet.com Roadmap [evergreen]

Thank you @hendrik! Named ranges are coming soon and we’ll share more info on the API as we get closer to its initial release.

Regarding QB integration, the first way to accomplish this will be via Zapier. We’ll be releasing Zapier integration before general access to the API. At that point you should be able to import and sync info between Spreadsheet.com and Quickbooks via Zapier.

I personally cannot wait for this to roll out. It will make things so much better to have the mobility it access my data anywhere.


Agree @Nathalie_Collins. It will take us some time to get there, but these are critical.

Can’t wait for some of these updates - @matt will these also include additional automations (specifically looking for auto sending reports, but curious in general about how automation list is expanded)

Yes. Reports and Dashboards are key features we have planned for this year. We also intend to provide the ability to send a snapshot of these via email using automations. No ETA yet on these features but we’ll keep you posted as we get closer.

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dependent distinct drop-down list or no duplicates allowed per column or conditional formatting to highlight the duplicates.

Much appreciated guys


@6_Stars_Cleaning - This is a great list
Dependent Drop-Downs : eg: State/Cities - In the roadmap - but no solid ETA as of now.
Conditional formatting to highlight the duplicates. - Much in demand - We will prioritise this.


Excellent! We love your product guys good job :clap:


im really happy to see drag and drop for rows and cells on the progress side of things :slight_smile:
working without it is a major pain !


Any ETA on when SSO support via Okta will be available? Any plans for JIRA Data Center support natively?

OKTA support for SSO is tentatively planned for this summer.

No current plans for JIRA Data Center support. Any details on this you can provide for your use case or otherwise would be helpful, as this is not something we are familiar with.

Best regards

Thanks Matt!! Here is a reference:

AirTable, SmartSheet and other Project Management suites often support Jira Data Center syncing. This allows us to organize our JIRA items from an OnPrem deployment within our Project Management tool. If you offered Jira Data Center two-way (at minimum one way) sync and after SSO becomes available, spreadsheet.com will really be beating the competition!