Owned / Private Filters

When working collaboratively on the same worksheet, several users might have different filtering needs when looking at the rows. For example:

  • user 1 needs to see only those rows with values in column E = ‘Completed’
  • user 2 needs to see only those rows with values in column E = ‘To Be Verified’

However, according to how filters currently work:

If user 1 creates a filter to only see those rows with E = ‘Completed’
user 2 won’t be able to see other rows or apply other filter criteria only seen by user 2. If user 2 does so, it will modify the view of user 1.

Right. Private ( not shared with others ) and other ‘Views Permissions’ is in our roadmap.
Right now, you could create multiple views ( perhaps named ‘Completed Tasks’ and ’ Tasks to be Verified’ ) for differing filters. The Views will be visible to all users.

Following up on what @Murali_Mohan mentioned, you can find more about creating and working with Views here:

We will soon allow you to make certain views private or shared with a limited set of users.

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