Kanban based on Related/Lookup

Would be great if one could build a kanban view based not only on fixed Select, Icon, User columns but also related, received from the dictionary needed. Thanks, guys!

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Welcome @Alexei_Rzhanov and thanks for submitting this. To paraphrase, you are suggesting allowing Kanban views to be stacked by Related row columns correct?

This is something we’ve gone back and forth on internally. We so far decided against it because in many cases there could be hundreds, potentially thousands, of related rows and hence an equal number of stacks, which would be virtually unmanageable. However, it’s something we’re likely to revisit in the future since there are clear use cases.

Matt, thanks, exactly.
To be true, stacking fixed selectors values you can identically face the same problem when a user will be very persistent:).
But I’m agree anyway. Maybe there is a way to limit top n records from the related tables when stacking.

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