Sheets importhtml function?

on Sheets, the function importhtml works as a crude web scraper. Is there a function here that I can achieve similar results?

Hello @Matthew_Cadenhead! Welcome to the community.

IMPORTHTML function is not supported as of today. We will review this internally and consider it in our roadmap.

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If you are not looking for a bulk action/formula driven action, we support copy pasting content from the web including most of the styles. Ensure you have selected a table, then copy paste it into the worksheet.
NOTE: if multiple tables are found, only the first one is pasted.

@Matthew_Cadenhead - IMPORTHTML / XML have been requested by customers. Similarly Select query functionality, SORT, FILTER functions. Also SPILL behaviour.

There are important lineitems in our Formula Engine track. We will be working on them medium term - no clear ETA yet.

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