Product Updates - June 1, 2022 - Pricing changes, Calendar view in beta, Trash, API key scoping, new templates, and more

What’s new?

Reduced prices for the Standard plan, beta launch of Calendar View, a long-awaited Trash feature for restoring deleted workbooks, API key scoping, and more.

We also added 9 new templates to the Template Gallery for use cases ranging from startup fundraising to employee engagement surveys, product roadmaps, and personal budgeting.

Let’s take a look!

Changes to Standard plan pricing and features

We’ve reduced the price for the Standard plan from $9/mo to $7/mo for annual subscriptions, and from $11/mo to $9/mo for monthly subscriptions. For more details see our pricing page.

All workspaces on the Standard plan have automatically been moved to this new pricing, and will automatically receive a prorated workspace credit for the unused portion of the subscription.

In addition, we’ve made the following plan-level changes:

  1. Conditional formatting is now available in the Free plan
  2. Gantt view task dependencies are now available in the Standard plan

Calendar View (beta)

We’re excited to share that the new Calendar view is now available in beta status. While there are a number of additional features we’ll be adding for the official launch of Calendar view in a few weeks, we wanted to get this into your hands early and look forward to your feedback.


It’s been great to see how some users have shared how they adapted the Calendar view to different use cases in the Community.

For more information on Calendar views in, see Calendar Views.

You can also check out Calendar views in action in many of the templates in our Template Gallery.

Trash and deleted items

When a workbook or folder is deleted, it will now be moved to Trash rather than permanently deleted.

Trash can be accessed from your home page, and allows you to recover deleted items as well as permanently purge items you are sure you want to be deleted forever.


View creation improvements

When creating a new view you can now define the view’s name and permission level before the view actually gets created. This change ensures that there is no window of time when all users in a workbook can access views they should not see.


API Key scoping

API keys are currently used for Zapier integration, and are prerequisite for working with the forthcoming developer API.

Now, when defining an API key in, you can specify whether the key should allow Read & Write or just Read-only access. In addition, you can now limit the scope of a key to a specific workbook in your workspace. This is critical when sharing keys with teammates, developers, and other apps, to ensure the right people have the right level of access.


Sharing changes and licensing reminders

The Editor role, which is always free, is now the default permission level when sharing folders and workbooks. This will reduce the chance that a user unintentionally gets added as a licensed user in a paid plan. We’ve also added a reminder message for teams on paid plans, whenever adding a user or changing a user’s permission will result in a prorated charge.

In addition, users with the Editor permission can now easily request a higher level of access, which must be approved by an Owner.

Invoice “Bill to” details

A new Invoice “Bill to” details feature for teams on a paid plan that need extra information included in invoices, such as VAT ID. You can edit this information in the Workspace Management > Billing Plan > Payment Method section as shown below.

New Templates

We published 9 new templates to the Template Gallery for use cases at work ranging from startup fundraising to managing product roadmaps, project timelines, meeting agendas, and employee engagement, and personal templates such as a vacation bucket list, reading list, and personal budget.

For example, the Fundraising CRM template serves as a starting point for your own custom CRM system to track and manage all fundraising activities, including target funds and investors, funding rounds, investment documents, interactions, and intro contacts.

The Employee Engagement Survey template makes it easy to collect and analyze employee sentiment based on the Likert Scale. With the template’s built-in Form view, new feedback is automatically added to the Responses sheet. Charts automatically update with incoming data so you can check back any time to see real-time insights into your employee engagement.

The Project Timeline with Milestones template is designed to manage a set of project tasks and sub-tasks in a hierarchy using a built-in Gantt view to visualize milestones, timeline, and dependency relationships. It also includes a new Calendar view of the project to visualize tasks by date.

Other newly published templates include:

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Love the calendar view.

Another suggestion for the calendar view would be to save the last viewed month as a setting for the view so that the next time you open the spreadsheet or that particular view, it will show the most recently viewed month instead of defaulting to the current date. There is already a “Today” button so it would be easy to return to the present. But, for your templates it would be better if the calendar view opened to the period of time where you have something to show rather than opening up an apparently blank calendar.

Right - these enhancements are under development.

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