Paste from web site

Dear all, I’m trying to use spreadsheet as the basis of my procurement.

Sites such as Farnell, RS, Digikey allow users to easily (one click) copy a part number, this can then be pasted into a spreadsheet. Often we deal with 100 plus lines per BOM

Alas, spreadsheet doesn’t seem to allow the paste of this data, nothing is brought across. If not possible then this great potential application is trashed - shame.

Any ideas, I can’t believe this isn’t possible.


Welcome @David_Cousins

Copy and pasting data into a worksheet is a core capability. We’d be happy to connect with you over a call to review the steps you are taking and find out if it is an issue that we need to or address or otherwise.

We will reach out to you directly and share any findings back here for the benefit of the community.


Hi Matt

Thanks for getting back to me, sorry for the delay in responding.

I’m trying to cut and paste part numbers from sites such as

for each of the product criteria, to the left there is a copy button allowing easy insertion into spreadsheets, I get nothing pasted when copying into spreadsheet, works fine for excel.

Also same for Farnell (Newark in the US).

If you click on the order code (for example), code is put into copy buffer, will past fine into excel – not spreadsheet.

This is a deal breaker for creating buy lists from BOM’s.

Oh, this is my personal email but am trialling at work.




We are sorry you hit this snag. You are probably trying to paste into SSDC (Spreadsheet[dot]com) using the context menu a.k.a right-click then ‘Paste’ action.

If you try a Ctrl-v (windows) or commandkey-v (Mac), the copied data should paste in SSDC just fine. Please confirm.

Also, the context menu ‘Paste’ action will work if data was copied from another SSDC window/tab. This is due to a browser security feature which some software circumvent by having the user install browser extensions that have more open access to the user’s system including the clipboard. Hope this clarifies.