Lookup external currency exchange rate

Searched the docs but can’t find an answer for this:
I want to build a currency exchange tracker that looks up the $USD to €EUR exchange rate and populates my table daily. From there I think I can build some trigger functions. But can’t find a way to get the external data.

There are numerous exchange rate feeds out there, even the default Google search converter. Any way to grab that number and put it in a column?


@Rory_MacLysaght - We have been asked about this functionality by several users. Currently there is no facility, but we should be able to roll out connectors such as this in the medium term.
Currency Exchange rates, Stock prices, Weather - these are good examples of a class of connectors pulling in temporal data.

In addition to triggering Automations - when coupled with soon to be released webbooks feature (Q3/2022), this also gives one the ability to make instant decisions using a rules-engine for eg.

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Thanks for the update. Good to know why I couldn’t find it, and good to know we can look forward to this functionality.

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Any update on such feature? I want to use such function too

We have not had a chance to add this yet. It is still in our roadmap.

Dev team needs to prioritize this feature please