Gantt Predecessor Scheduling

Are there any features that help with scheduling based on predecessor? As-in, moving the date of a task to after the predecessor is complete?

Right now, as far as I can tell, if you set a predecessor, and the task starts before the predecessor is ends, then the predecessor is removed. From a project management standpoint, that is very unhelpful behavior, as usually predecessor data is far more important to retain than the date. I’d prefer just a visual indicator that warns me that a task has been started before a predecessor ends.

Also, are there any other dependency types? It looks like predecessor is a Finish-to-start dependency. Is there a way to set Finish-to-finish, start-to-start, or start-to-finish?

Finally… Is there a way to lock the duration, the duration, start date, or end date so I don’t have to fiddle as much when rescheduling?


@Samuel_Baumgardner-K - Welcome to the forum!

Right now, if you set a predecessor & the task starts before the pred ends, the task shifts forward. Like in these 2 screenshots.

However, the predecessor relationship is removed if the task start date is moved to a date before the end of the predecessor. We are working on fixing this behaviour based on user feedback such as yours.

“Also, are there any other dependency types?”
Not currently, but we are in the process of enabling all the expected dep types - FF, SS, SS - ETA in weeks.

“Is there a way to lock the duration, the duration, start date, or end date so I don’t have to fiddle as much when rescheduling?”

Let me get back on this - needs some research at our end.

Thanks for the great feedback!

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Thanks for the response. I see how to input things in order to get the desire behavior now. It looks like input order matters a little bit.

I’m looking forward to the Gantt improvements coming in a few weeks. I’ll keep an eye out.

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